2009-06-01 – 18:30 – The Devil's First Message

Submitted by saloob on Fri, 01/30/2009 - 01:10


The self-proclaimed “devil” sits at his computer preparing his first open dialog to the world – which he plans to anonymously release on multiple video upload and blogging sites simultaneously spreading around the world on pre-set, sleeping hosts he had nurtured just for this purpose. He adjusts the mask, takes a confident breath and clicks the “start recording” button, beginning his message to the world.

“This is my message to the pathetic citizens of the earth. I am your devil and I am to be your death. You have been very selfish, careless and wasteful to the point that you not only endanger your own lives and environment but that of your children and their children - the future generations that could enjoy life well beyond your pitiful existences. Let this message be your first awakening to your forthcoming deserved reality. I will bring down your pettiness, selfishness, greed, inhumanity, criminal and ignorant lives. I now use this same technology which you created that accelerates the earth's inevitable end, but I use it to taunt you before I also use it to bring an end to you. Please be sure, this is not a warning. You do not have the “chance to redeem” or time to fix anything or the opportunity to be better. No. Things are well beyond that point. Maybe you saw that impressive presentation by the man who should have been President of the United States? It was all very well-meaning and quite on the mark, yet it, too, is too little, too late. And, just a personal note to all those stupid Americans who voted for the wrong guy – take comfort in knowing that it is exactly pathetic, dumb, ignorant animals like you who make this earth what it is and that it is such that your ignorance will also be the cause for its demise. It is impossible that billions of you pathetically selfish animals could act together in a concerted effort for the same goal, the survival of nature as we know it. And to all you religious people out there – Armageddon is coming...”